Vivid Experience - Farnborough 2024

Forthe f irsttim e ever,Christm asParty W orld takesresidence w ithin the state-of-the-art eventsvenue;Farnborough International,creating the m ostim m ersive Christm asparty experiencesavailable in the area. Each yearw ehostunforgetableChristm aspartiesin f lagship venuesacros theUK, ranging from privatetablesof8,to largercom paniessuch asForm ula1team sand FTSE 100 com panies,w anting to share the experience w ith hundredsoftheircoleagues.Alof oureventsshare the m ostelectrifying atm osphere from startto f inish and m ake m em oriesthatlasta lifetim e. Ihopeyou wilchoseto join usthisyearforourbrand-new ‘CirquedeLum iere’them eat Farnborough Internationaland to experiencean unforgetablenight! Hayley Alton M anaging Director CHRISTMAS PARTY WORLD COMES TO FARNBOROUGH’S FLAGSHIP CHRISTMAS PARTY VENUE FARNBOROUGH INTERNATIONAL Christm asParty W orld2024 FARNBOROUGH INTERNATIONAL