Vivid Experience - Farnborough 2024

Asyou approach the iconicvenuethe hairson yourneckbegin to rise.An electricatm osphere radiatesaround you asyou catch glim psesofthe incredible w orld aw aiting.Bizare stiltcreatures stand nextto beautifuly snow ed Christm astreeslining the entrance -litin glistening bluesand em erald greens-assporadic beam sofcrisp lightf lash overhead.Uplifting m usic f ilsthe airasyou’re w elcom ed w arm ly inside to m eetfriendsand coleagues. The venue ison a scale the size ofw hich israrely experienced,The vista tw inklesw ith thousandsof lights,w hile a num berofincredible barsofercrisp beers,prem ium spiritsand deliciousw ines.The cocktail& Cham pagne barsprom ise som ething diferent,w ith m ixologistsconcocting specialy designed drinksbefore youreyes,w hile deliciouscanapesare ofered to al. Suddenly the venue isplunged into darknes .Beautifuly clad,lithe dancersdres ed in m esm erizing costum esslowly becom evisibleon raised platform sthroughoutthebarastheevening’s entertainm entgatherspace. Asyou enjoy a tasty festive dinnerand relax am ongstfriendsand coleagues,conversation isplentiful and f ine w inesf low .The m ain stage hascom e to life w ith aerialacrobatsperform ing aw e-inspiring routinesthatbecom ethetalking pointofthetable!Asthelastspoonfulofdes ertisdevoured,an explosion oflightand sound on them ain stagem arksthebeginning ofadazzling f inale. After-dinnerentertainm entisplentiful–Dodgem sw hirlinto action,w hile elsew here in the venue the fun casino opensitstablesand fairground stalscom e to life.W hile som e take cofee and chocolates in aquieterarea,thedancef loorbeckonsforthosedisco bunniesw ith boundles energy and w hose nightisstilyoung!And don’tforgetto sam pleam idnightbreakfastrol! EXPERIENCE THE WONDER OF CIRQUE DE LUMIÈRE 2024 TheParty: CirquedeLum ière 9 FARNBOROUGH INTERNATIONAL